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Getting started with Microsoft Office Word: Week Four

This four week course introduces the user to the Word program in the Microsoft Office suite, and through hands-on activities shows the use of various features of formatting and common word processing skills.

Create an informational document about Cambridge

  1. Download the document named Week 4 About Cambridge draft located on the course web site, in the Week 4 folder.  Choose the option to “Open with Word”, then:

  • Save As 

  • Location:  Desktop 

  • Filename: About Cambridge 

  1. Find the words “Cambridge, Massachusetts” at the end.  You want to move them from the bottom to become the title, at the top.  In other words, Cut and Paste it into the top.  (highlight text, Home/Clipboard/Cut and then move the mouse to the top and Home/Clipboard/Paste).  After pasting, press enter to create a new paragraph. 

  1. Center align the Title and change the font size 20 (Home/Paragraph/Center Align button & Home/Font/ Font Size) 

  1. Drag the picture of Cambridge to the upper left part of the document (highlight picture and drag with mouse until it is in the placement you like.  Check the "Wrap Text" setting to be sure it is set to Square. 

  1. Use find and replace function to change all instances of “circle” to “square.” (Home/Editing/Replace) 

  1. Change line spacing from 1 to 1.15. tip: you can use ‘select all’ to highlight the text. (Home/Paragraph/Line Spacing button, select value “1.15”)  

  1. Separate text into paragraphs (locate the end of each paragraph and type Enter twice) 

  1. Add line after second paragraph (which ends with the word “Roxbury”), add a ‘Horizontal line’ border (Home/Paragraph/Bottom Border button)   

  1. Separate the text below the line into two columns (highlight the text, Page Layout/Page Setup/Columns/Two) 

  1. Change text in the two columns into different colors.  (Highlight the text of each paragraph, Home/Font/Font color button). The colors are:  

  1. Kendall = dark blue 

  1. Central = red 

  1. Harvard = purple 

  1. Porter = light green 

  1. Inman = light blue 

  1. Lechmere = dark green 

  1. Make the Cambridge website address an active hyperlink (Insert/Links/Link).  Be sure to add the URL prefix http:// before the

  1. Create a page border (Design/Page Background/Page Borders, and choose the setting of box, style, width, color) 

  1. Perform Spell & Grammar Check (Review/Proofing/Spelling & Grammar) 

  1. Save document, and optionally print it out or mail yourself a copy 

Challenge: Make a change to the document’s format using some feature we have not yet covered in class.  Check out some of the other features in the ribbon that we didn’t have time to introduce.